Not mad, just a scientist
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Cel Number: C33
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No Background
Added 7/19/2006
Updated 6/11/2011
AT LONG FUCKING LAST!!! WASHUUUUUUUU!! This is even more significant than it would've otherwise been because I lost a sequence mate of this during my whole exploding ovarian cyst episode, so I was doubly excited when I snagged its sister. Actually, though, it kind of worked out, because this is better than the original IMO; her posture is lower, but her expression is better.
KHEHEHEHEHEHE. I HAVE WASHUUUUUUUU. Or more specifically, I HAVE THE WASHU I WANTED!!! Because there've been other times when I've seen Washu cels, but never Ryo-Oki or Universe Washu; it's always been Movie Washu or Tokyo Washu. THAT'S NOT MY WASHU. THIIIIIIIIIIIIS IS MY WASHU!!! *giggles hysterically*