My Cupcake, At Last
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A1
Standard size
Key Cel
End Cel
No Background
Added 9/16/2006
Updated 6/8/2011
HOLY SHIT!!! O_O Unbelievably HUGE thanks to Leah!!! I've been DYING for a cel of my cupcake, Soujiro!! And this is such an amazing one, too; he may not be big or centered, but he's in my favorite of his outfits, and this cel is from an important moment in my favorite episode. @_@ Tenken is such an amazing character, and very very special to me -- but unfortunately he's insanely popular and from a very expensive series, so I felt basically hopeless about ever having him in my collection.
Enter Leah. I saw this in her gallery and sent her a rambling e-mail about hoping I could be first in line if she ever decided to give him up. She was absolutely wonderful to me and was working with me to set up a trade, but when she got her "Christmas in July" gift, she was in such a good mood that she just GAVE me this cel! *big huge watery eyes* I was so moved I didn't even know what to say. I OWE YOU ONE BIG TIME, LEAH!!! *Ryoga-cries*
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