z_Gone But Not Forgotten

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Knuckles Syndrome
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: C12
Standard size

Key Cel
No Background

Added 9/20/2007
Updated 8/21/2009
I actually bought this cel AAAAAAGES ago, but only just recently got it. My friend Erica was getting a whole bunch of cels from the same seller, and got mine for me so I wouldn't have to pay standard shipping. Thing is, after she got it she... lost it, lol. BUT, it's turned up again, and now it's home!

Even though I only know a skosh of the MKE story, I always enjoyed Ferio. This isn't the greatest shot in the world of him, but hey, I'll definitely take it until something better comes along.

Poor Ferio has gotten stuck with Knux's mittens.

Sold to my buddy Doc so he could give it to a friend of his for her birthday~ X3 Very sweet of him.

    Previous: Daydreaming Fuu

Curator: Leedzie
Gallery Created: 7/26/2005
Hits: 45756

Presentation 8.58/10   Collection 8.60/10   Overall 8.67/10   Votes 29 votes
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