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Sonny Strait - Water Bottle
Source: TV
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Added 2/24/2015
Throughout the day Sonny had been nursing a bottle of water, and unsurprisingly, he eventually ran out. He pulled some change from his pocket and asked some of the other girls hanging around if they'd grab him a new one, then once they were gone asked me if I'd throw away the old one. I took it and started to leave, then in a moment of ridiculous fanaticism I asked if he'd sign the bottle for me, too. Yes, I actually wanted to keep his garbage.

Luckily he was just as upbeat about this as anything else he'd written on that day and happily complied with my request. I joked that since the bottle had his DNA that I'd make an army of Sonny clones, and if I recall he said something about one of him already being more than the world could handle.

    Previous: Sonny Strait - Card Wrapper Next: Peter S. Beagle - Print 1    

Curator: Leedzie
Gallery Created: 7/26/2005
Hits: 45290

Presentation 8.58/10   Collection 8.60/10   Overall 8.67/10   Votes 29 votes
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