Sonic - Sonic X

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Bridge Fright
Source: TV
Layers: 0
Sketches: 6
Cel Number: A1-A2, B1-B2
Standard size

Key Cel
Book Cel
No Background

Added 3/2/2015
The only way this shot could've been better is if Amy (who is also in the scene) could've been visible, too!

The genga of this group looks much better than this layout shot, but it doesn't convey the full environment the same way, so it's been relegated to one of the additional slots. I'd also like to point out that the third image isn't dark and dirty like it appears; I adjusted the levels to make it darker so the sketch lines of Sonic would be more visible (as they're super faint even in person).

According to the included timesheet, this set is from episode 60.

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Curator: Leedzie
Gallery Created: 7/26/2005
Hits: 45290

Presentation 8.58/10   Collection 8.60/10   Overall 8.67/10   Votes 29 votes
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