z_Gone But Not Forgotten

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Charles Martinet
Source: TV
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Added 11/15/2019
Updated 12/30/2021
This one was a little bittersweet for me because, as much as I wanted an autograph for myself, I decided to have this done for a friend of mine instead. He's always been SO incredibly generous and supportive, and even offered to let me stay at his place on the other side of the country once because I was considering applying for a school there. After all the support he's given me, and the fact that he's possibly the biggest Mario fan that I know, I felt this autograph was better bought for him.

Besides, even if I don't get to keep the autograph itself, I still got to meet Charles Martinet! I explained why I was getting it for my friend, and he thought it was a really cool story, and I still got to shake his hand. What's really amusing is that after signing his name, he then started fiddling around with all the characters at the bottom, and while he did he made all of their signature voices doing various "whoop"s and "yahoo"s. ...Well, except Wario, for whom he just did a big raspberry.

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Curator: Leedzie
Gallery Created: 7/26/2005
Hits: 45362

Presentation 8.58/10   Collection 8.60/10   Overall 8.67/10   Votes 29 votes
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