Dream Ryoga
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A5
Standard size
No Background
Added 12/30/2021
Updated 12/30/2021
Wow. That's all I can say, just, wow. I never imagined I'd ever end up with a cel this nice of Ryoga, and I can't thank my friend max6464646464 enough for it!! I still can't believe how willing he was to trade this one to me, because it's magnificent!
Sadly to bring this beauty home I had to say goodbye to my extra-wide Sonic and Tails cel and my Sonic dopplegangers cel, but the generous max6464646464 traded me this cel along with the Sonic Spin cel and the Breezie cel in exchange. I'm very happy with the swap, thank you so much, friend!!
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