Sonic at the gates
Source: TV
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Sketches: 6
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Added 12/31/2021
What strikes me as interesting about this shot is, because I don't really know the episode it comes from, I honestly can't tell if those lines all over Sonic's body are supposed to be shadow guides for the colorist, or if he's gone full-blown camouflage war paint since he's about to sneak into this facility. If they are shadows, they're the craziest shadows I've ever seen!
This layout set is from episode 410, "Come Out..." and this is "plan 150," which I presume means the 150th sequence in the episode. There are 6 pages in this set, including one that has a VEEEERY tiny bit of art showing... Sonia, I think? Being taken away by robots via air. That's actually what Sonic's looking at and following in this sequence, as far as I can tell.
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